"Love Without Boundaries" — Soul Journal Entry January 2, 2013
There is a difference between Art Journaling and Soul Journaling. A big difference. And I forget it all the time.
Soul Journaling is not about art. It is not about pretty and all about ugly. It is about processing emotions—complex and crazy feelings—without going through the brain trying to figure them out first.
It is about ripping paper, spooging paint and gesso, digging our fingers into it, and sticking images and riff raff onto a page, WITHOUT THINKING AT ALL!
Being in the thick of it, delving into the depths and throwing the muck into our books. Who the hell knows what we are going to get?
Afterwards, when we are spent and panting, we see what we see. It is like reading tea leaves.
"Oh! So this was what THAT was about."
I was in a frenzy during these spreads, massacring magazines in a blind fit then pasting them on the page and writing whatever popped into my head.
In the end, it is about regret.
Do I feel better now?
More pages to come...
I love that there are lots of spaces where the light can get in ...
Posted by: roxanne | January 05, 2013 at 12:59 AM