Synchronicity is a term originally created by Carl Jung to explain meaningful coincidences, unlikely conjunctions of events, surprising serendipity, and "winks from the cosmos".
When synchronicity happens for me, I get a very strong knowing, that I am on the right path, that I am in the flow and aligned.
So it has been the past couple of weeks.
Beautiful, simple events falling into my presence at just the moment I am thinking it to happen. It is hard not to feel like you are in good graces with the divine when synchronicity happens. It is such a miraculous moment.
We have all had this special magic touch us at times. What is amazing to me is the frequency at which it has been happening in my life.
I have been trying to figure out what the trigger was for the current rain of miracles... which by going into my numb-skull brain probably moves me right out of flow... but I want to "figure it out" so I can keep it coming.
I was contemplating this HUGE idea at 3 o'clock in the morning while making my hour long drive home from work.
The only trigger that I can figure was that moment I let go of attachment was the moment the flow began to happen. I just let go. It wasn't a "fuck it", apathetic, letting go. It was more a "God's Will be done" or "inshaAllah" or "eh, whatever will be will be", let's see where it goes from here. I stopped trying to swim through a river "my direction" and began floating with the river the direction it was heading.
This obviously goes against my take & have it all under control nature. BIG TIME! It also goes against an unconscious belief that I have to WORK HARD to make things happen ~ The "I've got to knock on the doors and open them or they will never open" operating system I have slaved under my whole life.
So I am driving along, meditating upon this HUGE idea, when I remembered that Coast to Coast AM was on at this time and I could give my brain a rest and listen to some cool show about UFOs or Paranormal Activity.
I switched over to AM 1530 only to hear internal guidance system expert, Zen DeBrucke, discussing how the human body is naturally wired to physically connect with the divine, the many ways we recieve guidance and information, and how to tune in to it more efficiantly.
I got a full body goosebump.
When synchronicity happens for me... it is an opening... a messenger telling me to pay attention, take the next step in that direction and trust that beautiful things are about to happen.
This is a beautiful page. I saw it on Flickr and hopped over here for a closer look. The colours are fabulous :-)
Posted by: Kate | April 23, 2010 at 08:31 AM
Full body goosebumb here, too. I have run across many blog entries lately, and wrote one myself, about fighting or going with the flow. As far as teaching, my life is flowing better than ever. My blog life has not flourished like I see those of others flourishing. I wish sychronicity enveloped the life as a whole every time it blesses us. But I'll settle for a great relationship here, and a little work struggle there, I guess. Good luck with all of your life changes.
Posted by: Jo Lucero | April 24, 2010 at 04:13 PM
I meant goosebumps...but maybe goosebumbs would be fun, too.
Posted by: Jo Lucero | April 24, 2010 at 04:14 PM
Shannan, I just wrote a post about synchronicity and found your beautiful site while I was searching for others who were thinking about the same thing. It is not coincidence that many are focusing on synchronicity; I believe it is consciousness evolving. I try to be aware of synchronicity in my everyday life and use it as you do to follow that internal quiet voice. It's the little things that all tie together to create the miracle of our lives. I would love your feedback on my post. Namaste, Sherry
Posted by: Daily Spiritual Tools | June 15, 2010 at 08:20 AM